Sunday, December 31, 2017

WESTBROOK LAPIDARY CLUB: Wednesday Beading Classes

WESTBROOK LAPIDARY CLUB: Wednesday Beading Classes: Barb Bosworth   Wednesday beading classes start, January 10 at 1-3. Project will be the Bardot  bracelet. Kit including 10 page pattern wit...

Wednesday Beading Classes

Barb Bosworth Wednesday beading classes start, January 10 at 1-3. Project will be the Bardot bracelet. Kit including 10 page pattern with color photos, 16 Diamond Duos, 90 Superduos, (222) 11/0 seed beads and toggle/bar clasp will be $10. These are at cost as they are expensive beads. Pattern only will be $4. Contact Barb Bosworth, for any question.Manage

Tuesdays Silversmithing Classes

On Tuesdays at the WBV Lapidary Club we have silversmithing classes this is what was made in December 2017 in that class.  No experience is needed we have teachers who will help you make beautiful jewelry.   Dues are $20.00 per year.



Next meeting will be Jan 3, 2018 
10am the Lakes


Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Square earrings are $5 and the crystal diamond shaped earrings are $6. Great stocking stuffers. 
Ear wires are surgical stainless steel, hypoallergeniC

Interested: E-Mail

No automatic alt text available.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

10:00 am THE LAKES

There will be a potluck after the meeting
this is an open meeting all are welcome

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Hope everyone is having a great summer.  
Mark your calendars our first meeting is November 1, 2017 @ 10:00 am

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A must see project

No automatic alt text available.This project was created with the tines of a fork, then stamped with grandchildrens names soldered together to make a bracelet.  WOW.  A project from a loving daughter to her mom for mother's day. 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

Daydreamer Rope

This is Jill Wiseman's Daydreamer Rope.  I taught the bracelet class this spring.  Lapidary had a showcase table for the Village Voices, April 7-8 and I sold the bracelet for $30.  The lady came up to me at the end of the concert and asked me if I could make the necklace.  I told her Yes for $50.  She later asked me about adding earrings like the part of he clasp.  I told her it would take me a week.  At first she wanted the necklace 18 inches (collarbone) and after doing online research I talked her into 20.  I finally made in 22 inches and she loved it.  (The clasp takes up 2 inches),

I made the earrings with a smaller center hole by using 11a instead of 8s needed for the toggle/bar clasp.  She wanted sterling silver ear wires which are 2 pair for $3.65 at bead world and I told her that earrings were usually $20, but since she ordered the entire set, I sold them for $15, and I didn't quote the earrings price until ai called her that they were ready.  So, the entire set she paid me $95. She came by the classroom Monday to pick them up and wore everything home. Understand that the rope part of the necklace takes me 2 hours, for each inch, because I reinforce each row 2 1/2 times. Each color of Superduo takes 18 grams, (the bracelet takes 8 grams per 2 colors and there were over 1,500 11/0 seed beads. And there were (80). 3mm Swarovski crystals for all the pieces.  You know we don't do beading for the money but I enjoyed doing this order and ai am happy with my compensation.
See you next October.
Barb B Co President
WBVillage Lapidary Club
Peoria Arizona

Saturday, March 4, 2017


Westbrook Village Lapidary Club at the 
Lakes Westbrook Village

Co President’s Pam Wilson, Barb Bosworth


The definition of lapidary is: Relating to stone and gems and the work involved in engraving, cutting, or polishing.  

This intrigued me. 

I’ve been a member of the WB Lapidary Club for about 10 years.  

In that time I have met many wonderful men and women, all with different artistic talents, and made many friends. I wanted to learn everything.  I have mastered so many different forms of jewelry making, from making a glass pendant to stone cutting using a soldering iron to make beautiful Sterling Silver jewelry, beading, and soooooo much more. 

Visit our club and  viewing some of the many pieces of jewelry I’ve learned to make at the Westbrook Lapidary Club.  Thank you to the club for asking me as their artist of the month.  Bettina C

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lacy Diamond Bracelet

Barb B is REPEATING the LACY DIAMONDS BRACELET AFTER THE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8.  Usual time is 1-3, but we can start right after the meeting if you like.

Easy class planned next Wednesday at 1-3 or after meeting.  Peyote stitch, step by step easy color pattern. Lacy diamond bracelet and optional matching earrings.
2 patterns at $1 each ) 1 for bracelet and 1 for earrings if interested. (12 pages total).  NO KITS.  You only need SIZE 8/0 seed beads (uniform Japanese work best), 2 tall.  (5 1/2 inch) in 2 contrasting colors and you will only use about 1/2 of each tube.  Sample colors, White and Clear (NOT AB rainbow clear); Black and White or 2 other contrasting colors   I might have extra tubes of black and turquoise for $4 each.
(NO PASTELS- won't show diamond patterns.  I have ear wires (FREE) for earrings.
Barb Bosworth

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 2017

1. February 8th, Wednesday at 9 am wire wrapping.

2.  Thursdays Alicia teaches silverware forming from 9am to 10am.  Denny and Gerry are there doing lapidary around 10 if you would like help, remember to take a class on how to use the machines.

3.  February 12th, Sunday, is Market Day Sunday and new homeowner showcase from 8:30 (set up) to 12:00.  We will have a table with our brochures and       anyone can bring items they made to show or sell.  We will have the jewelry club open so people can check out the shop and jewelry items in the window.
We need people to be in the club to show people around and others in the main hall.  Any more volunteers call Pam 623-825-2803.

4.  Potluck after beading February 13th, Monday for Valentines Day!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Lapidary Club News

The Lapidary facility is open to all members during regular rec. center hours. The calendar shows scheduled events and will be updated as new classes are added.          
Come Join the Fun!!!

January 2017
Monday  1/02  Executive Board meeting 12:30

Wednesday 1/04  General Membership Meeting 10:00 am  Alicia will demo glass work and kiln

Monday 1/30  Executive Board meeting 12:30
Mondays   Open beading 10am -12noon
Wednesdays  Afternoon beading classes resume- 1:00-3:00 Call Pam first.
Thursdays   Making silverware jewelry & Lapidary. Call Alicia first

February 2017
Wednesday  2/1  General Membership Meeting 10:00 am.   Kim will demo resin and metal work
Mondays   Open beading 10am-12noon
Wednesdays  Afternoon mid February beading classes resume- 1:00-  3:00.  Call Pam first
Thursdays   Making silverware jewelry & Lapidary .  Call Alicia first

Board Meetings are the first Wednesday of every month
  March- Judi will demo precious metal clay (PMC)
  April- Nita will demo wire wrap earrings
Feb. - The 2017 Bead and Gem show in Tucson
Jan. 17th-Feb 12th
Bus schedule to be announced at a later date

Wire wrapping Class

Pictures of our wire wrapping class given by club member Nita L.  Nita, is a master in the field of wire wrapping.  Below are three wire wrapped pieces of glass we made in her class.  Stop by the lapidary room at The Lakes to see when the next wire wrapping class will begin.  Also check out our window Nita has many beautiful pendants on display and for sale. 

Thank you Nita we had a great time 
and Love our new pendants

DRAFT January Meeting MInutes

Lapidary Club General Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2017

1.     Meeting was called to order by Nita at 10:10.  Pam is home ill with a cold.  Copies of Agenda were distributed.  12 members were present.

2.     Minutes of December 2016 were accepted

3.     Treasurer report shows bank balance of $2,792.43

New Business:

4.     Window Display: well over $100 in sales since last meeting

5.     Tucson Gem Show:  Judi R will call her friend/contact re: openings in bus to the show.   Kim will email members once she has information from Judi to inquire who might be interested in attending the show.  Show dates Jan 27-Feb 4, 2017

6.     Motion was made and seconded that club purchase of a printer (costing appox. 

$100-150)  for club room that includes copying, and scanning features.  Discussion followed and Motion Passed.

7.     Motion was made and seconded that club dispense with the practice of collecting 10% from sales from the window display.  Discussion followed. Motion passed

8.     Judi R. volunteered to head teaching/learning committee which will coordinate our monthly demo artists as well as classes offered by club members and others. Thanks Judi.

Old Business

9.     Chairs for club room-remains in process with WBV (who will make the purchase)

10.  Machines committee:  Nita reported and showed the new instructions and diagrams for machine use.  Anyone using machines required to take the class from Nita or Denny FIRST.  They will offer a class-sign-up sheet circulated today

11.  Magazines:  Step by Step Wire Work is going out of business.  Kim will look into another wire magazine.  We will continue to subscribe to Bead Work.

12.  Credit card purchase method:  Bettina reported the difficulties with using this method.  Not Recommended to go forward.  Members agreed.

13.  Tax ID # Report:  Nita informed of the requirements for a TPT (resale license) which seemed too complicated for tracking sales, receipts and taxes owed to state. Bettina related her experience requiring a license for each city in which sales occur. Not Recommended due to logistics and clerical costs.  Kim will research how another club handles this  and report back next month.

14.  Barb B-update.  Barb is doing well following a severe situation and plans to return in February.

15.  WBV long term planning meeting will be held Jan 5, 2017 to which members may want to attend.  Utilization of rooms in both Rec centers based on card swiping data will be discussed.  Issues mentioned by members included faulty data possible since machines do not always work, the duration of club use (such as 3 hour classes).

16.   Bettina reported over 3500 hits internationally to our club blog.  Shows lots of interest.

17.  Next Meeting Feb 1, 2017 Demo will be on resin jewelry by Kim B.

18.  Adjourned at 11:20.  Demo by Alicia on glass fusing followed meeting.  Thanks Alicia.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


This is Juanita S.  Juanita has been a member of the Westbrook Lapidary Club for years.  Juanita, is a jewelry artist, her designs are award winning.

Congratulations Juanita for Winning First Place for your design and beautiful wire wrapped earrings