Friday, May 8, 2015



End of year note to all members:

It’s time to say good-by to our winter friends and members.  Our club had a great year.  Our first meeting was in November and it was great to see our returning members and some new members. 
Everyone was excited about being back and sharing there summer stories and new ideas.
Our parties were wonderful as usual good food and friends and of course talking about beading.
We are doing a lot more classes.  Sherri and Denise of P. Squared are teaching classes in wire wrapping. Everyone is so excited with the jewelry they have made.  Rose of DIY gave a beading class and made a bracelet and necklace, just beautiful.  

It was great having instructors come to the club to give the classes. These classes will continue in 2016.  All classes were $10.00.
Our first meeting will be Wednesday November 4, 2015 at 10:00 am

Have a wonderful and safe summer.

Bettina, Judi, Kim, Cheryl and Shelia

The life of a Beader

Have you had this look ?  I have!